Localzone CHI (US/US/Chicago) smokeping node
US Comcast ATLANTA (AS7922

2025-03-11 04:45:01 - Now

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 > be-1412-cs04.56marietta.ga.ibone.comcast.net ( 24.404 ms24.344 ms24.264 ms24.031
5 > be-33041-ar-sp04.b0atlanta.ga.atlanta.comcast.net ( 24.691 ms24.843 ms24.747 ms24.805
6 > ae-540-ar01.b0atlanta.ga.atlanta.comcast.net ( 34.963 ms32.027 ms44.346 ms24.607
7 > po-1-rur01.y2cartersvil.ga.atlanta.comcast.net ( 25.126 ms25.117 ms25.116 ms25.134
8 > ( 25.161 ms25.127 ms25.114 ms25.123
9 > c-98-192-40-186.hsd1.ga.comcast.net ( 34.362 ms35.563 ms195.764 ms33.120

2025-03-11 03:00:01 - 2025-03-11 04:45:01

   traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

 3 >                                                                                                            
4 > be-1113-cs01.doraville.ga.ibone.comcast.net ( 32.984 ms33.107 ms32.981 ms32.918
5 > be-33011-ar-sp01.d1stonemtn.ga.atlanta.comcast.net ( 33.304 ms33.214 ms33.256 ms33.201
6 > ae-510-ar01.d1stonemtn.ga.atlanta.comcast.net ( 35.111 ms33.660 ms33.617 ms35.509
7 > po-1-rur02.y2cartersvil.ga.atlanta.comcast.net ( 30.414 ms30.417 ms30.410 ms30.389
8 > ( 34.600 ms34.566 ms34.603 ms34.610
9 > c-98-192-40-186.hsd1.ga.comcast.net ( 44.236 ms46.277 ms172.272 ms45.088